Readers Choice winner Foto TV
Fototv Winter Competition
Early 2015, I was doing a lot of different styles of photography.
My dog, Tara was a really good subject for a great photo, and i snapped this shot, while she had focus on a friend of mine.
Photo TV had a competition, with “ Winter “ as the theme, and I entered this picture.
I won the “ Readers Choice “ Award
Judged by Wildlife and nature photographer Uri Golman
Zahle Photo Competition
Zahle photo Competition
While I was attending the teachers seminary in Copenhagen, my school held a photo competition.
The theme was to capture the schools spirit.
I thought it was funny to capture the essence of studying.
Which is reading and drinking a lot of Coffee.
I Won for best creative photo.
6 hour competition Photo Marathon, Denmark
Photo Marathon 2018
2018 I got to compete against 500+ Photographers.
The rules of this competition was to take a series of 6 photographs, unedited and straight out of the camera.
You had to be creative and thinking out of the box, and I managed to enter my series in the last minute.
When I won, 1st place and the runner ups got their photographs exhibited at “ Fotografisk Center “ in Denmark, Copenhagen.
Features and mentions
Canon NOrdic/ UK
Featured on Canon Nordics & UK Instagram account, with multiple entries.
Nina hald - Jewelers & watchmaker
6 Photographs published in Nina Hald’s book “ The wedding rings “
Danish documentary about the virgin islands
Photographs used for the publicated documentary about the Virgin islands